I'm sick and tired of being crapped on! At work, when I go to the store, everywhere I go. The whole United States is obsessed with being politically correct. A white American is no longer allowed to speak their mind or tell the truth! Everyone is afraid that something may hurt someones feelings. Their feelings probably need to be hurt! Then you suffer the repercussions! It's all a bunch of BULL!
I'm known as BIG DADDY in other realms and I don't give a damn about being politically correct! This realm is ours!
I'm known as BIG DADDY in other realms and I don't give a damn about being politically correct! This realm is ours!
Do you know someone who got a promotion at work because of their race? I do! Were you or some one that you know better qualified for the position? I did! Are you afraid that if you say anything, you will be the one that is called a racist? I was! Leave your post here!!!
Is your boss a woman and boasts about how men and women should be equal while she waits for you to open the door for her? Leave your posts here!
If your sick of all of the daily shit we have to endure in this POLITICALLY CORRECT society? Leave your posts here!
Tell your side of the store here!
Is your boss a woman and boasts about how men and women should be equal while she waits for you to open the door for her? Leave your posts here!
If your sick of all of the daily shit we have to endure in this POLITICALLY CORRECT society? Leave your posts here!
Tell your side of the store here!
I have to admit thing, race wise, haven't been as bad as I thought that they would be when Obama got elected. I expected even more of the BECAUSE IM BLACK shit to get worse. But I have noticed that when I go in the store and a black person is pushing thier cart down the wrong side of the isle, they expect you to move out of the way. I don't do it anymore. I just stand there and look at them like their crazy!
ReplyDeleteI found chicken at the Wal-Mart on 64 west in Tyler that was 8 hours old!!!
ReplyDeleteMy dad and his dad and two brothers worked for the same paper mill, their whole life. In November of 1994, the family owned company was sold to an Indian conglomerate who promised nothing would change and two weeks after aquisition, they filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy, and locked the building and laid of 1100 employees. No benefits, no pensions, absolutley nothing. Then one year later opened again with and entire new staff of freshly visa'd immigrants who worked for no benefits and no union. Yep, it is bull s***.
ReplyDeleteJust offering my support of your little site, there, Big Daddy/ UBH
I added you to my hubby's favorites. Hope it takes off!
ReplyDeleteMy verizon account makes me select english or spanish before I can speak to one of their overly qualified representatives ( for which English is a second language) I thought English was the only choice. Got that Sooooooo wrong. I tried to complain and asked that it be removed from our service ( which we pay for, on time, every month) and I was told that I was being racist. And then Saskinsthia ( and that was her real name) told me that where she came from, everyone spoke more than one language. I asked her if she needed directions to the airport, and reminded her to cash in her dollars for beads and trinkets before she boarded the next flight back to the 3rd world impoverished paradise that she fled from. She hung up on me. I didn't care, I was pissed that we pay for a phone that I have to prompt ENGLISH.
ReplyDeleteBig Daddy: Yea, that burns me up too! I actually ask to speak to someone who speaks english asa first language! You may not know, but she was probably in India. Most of the big corps, now contract out to India. Its like a big answering service!!! They can do it cheaper that way rather hiring Americans that would probably increase thier sales!
ReplyDeleteThis was written by a construction worker in Fort McMurray .
ReplyDeleteRead on . . .
I work, they pay me. I pay my taxes, and the government
distributes my taxes as it sees fit. In order to earn that pay check, I
work on a rig site for a Fort McMurray construction project. At
time I am required to pass a random urine test, with which I have no
problem. HOWEVER, what I do have a problem with is the distribution of
my taxes to people who don't have to pass a urine test. Shouldn't one
have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check because I have to pass
one to earn it for them?
Understand, I have no problem with helping people get back on
their feet. I do on the other hand have a problem with helping someone
sit on their ass, drink beer and smoke dope. Could you imagine how much
money this country would save if people had to pass a urine test to get
a public assistance check?
omg, you are so right. My oldest brother failed a drug test ( even though he was prescribed the medication for acl surg) and lost his benefits, and his job, AND couldn't get welfare, and his college roommate totally scammed the system and got something called EBT which is a PRE PAID debit card for food shopping and was a total stoner, and too lazy for work, and lost his job for "too many sick days". Christ.
ReplyDeleteBig Daddy says: I wish I could say this came from me, but Missy and Bob sent me this!
ReplyDeleteYou cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy
out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another
person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to
anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody
else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to
work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the
other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody
else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about
the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it."
I've never felt more American than right now. Time to get reveloutionary on govt. asses!
ReplyDeleteI think that the Nation is ripe for change. The ones a little older than I can remember a time when rights in America were leveraged toward whites. Over the years the balance has shifted. The majority of rights and government assistance now goes to blacks and illegal aliens.
ReplyDeleteBlacks are now fully integrated into our society. It’s time that the free handouts stop to those who are getting them because of the color of their skin! Blacks aren’t going anywhere. So offering them free passage on ships going to Africa is only going to piss them off! Now with the first Black President in history, everything is in place to push to have the scales tipped back in the other direction. I, like most white Americans, aren’t looking for special treatment, we just want to be treated as equals and not as second class citizens because of our skin color as we have been.
They can no longer say, “I’m being treated a certain way because IM BLACK”! Because, now we have a Black President. A white person can’t say a word about how they’ve been being treated without be called a racist. We all know that is not true but its time for all of that to change.
Two things that we must do in order for this to work. ONE, Don’t get the blacks fired up, their lackadaisical behavior will be a plus. That’s one reason things have gotten so bad, is because the whites never thought in the beginning things would go this far. They didn’t fight against it the way they should have. SECOND, We need to change the way whites are perceived in America. I’ve never really put much thought into conspiracies, but, why is it when ever there is a tornado, the news crews pick the most ignorant person, usually with rollers in her hair and half of her teeth missing to interview? And they all say the same thing! “IT SOUNDED JUST LIKE A FREIGHT TRAIN”!!!!!! The other is why is it when ever someone on TV does speak about rights for whites, its usually some Neo Nazi that sounds like he is full of hate for the whole world? I don’t know who is behind it, but something certainly is not right. It has to be being done on purpose! So, who is behind it?
We can make this happen but we have to be taken seriously. In order to do that we have to change the way that White Americans are being perceived. We have to project the appearance of being sincere and intelligent.
Three contractors were bidding to fix a broken fence at the White House
ReplyDeletein D.C.; one from Illinois, one from Tennessee and a third from
Kentucky. They all went with a White House official to examine the
fence. The Tennessee contractor took out a tape measure and did some
measuring, then worked some figures with a pencil. 'Well', he said, 'I
figure the job will run about $900: $400 for materials, $400 for my crew
and $100 profit for me.'
The Kentucky contractor also did some measuring and figuring, then said,
'I can do this job for $700: $300 for materials, $300 for my crew and
$100 profit for me.'
The Illinois contractor didn't measure or figure, but leaned over to the
White House official and whispered, '$2,700.'
The official, incredulous, whispered back, 'You didn't even measure like
the other guys! How did you come up with such a high figure?'
The Illinois contractor replied, '$1000 for me, $1000 for you, and we
hire that guy from Kentucky to fix the fence.'
'Done,' replied the government official.
And that, my friends, is how our government works!
send them an email, the group post the editor's email!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI have now been kicked off of a blog where I was accused of using the "N" word. Lets all just say it! NIGGER!!!!!! I don't usually use that word but since I am being accused of it, I don't think that I did! But so what if I did. On this site, EVIL BEET, They refer to people as BITCHES and DUMB ASSES ETC.... I bet if someone used the word HONKEY that would be just fucking fine! Only in America can ONLY WHITES BE RACEST!!!!!!!! I have never been racist in my life, however, because of the way that my family and I have been treated I am quickly becoming that way! My son comes home from school with bruises all over him where black kids come up and hit him and say "hey white boy"! Hes afraid to say anything because they will swarm him and call him a racist if he did! etc... And the schools wont do anything about it!!!!!! SO, WE MOVED SO THAT MY SON WOULDNT BE PHYSCALLY ABUSED BY THE LITTLE NIGGERS AT HIS SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!! NOW THIS SHIT!!!! WHEN IS IT GOING TO STOP?????
The only thing keeping me from becomming totally racist is my black friends and I know they are not like that. Im torn!!!!!!
Michael Richards Court Speech
ReplyDeleteMakes one stop and think after reading this :
Michael Richards is better known as Kramer from tv's Seinfeld series.
This was his defense speech in court after making racial comments in
his comedy act.
He makes some very interesting points. He said :
I'm proud To Be White
Someone finally said it.
How many are actuall y paying attention to this ?
There are African Americans, Mexican Americans,
Asian Americans, Arab Americans, etc.
And then there are just Americans.
You pass me on the street and sneer in my direction.
You Call me 'White boy,' 'Cracker,' 'Honkey,'
'Whitey,' 'Caveman' ... and that's OK.
But when I call you, Nigger, Kike, Towel head,
Sand-nigger, Camel Jockey, Beaner , Gook, or Chink ...
You call me a racist.
You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you,
so why are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live ?
You have the United Negro College Fund.
You have Martin Luther King Day.
You have Black History Month.
You have Cesar Chavez Day.
You have Yom Hashoah.
You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi.
You have the NAACP.
You have BET.
If we had WET (White Entertainment Television) we'd be racists.
If we had a White Pride Day, you would call us racists.
If we had White History Month , we'd be racists.
If we had any organization for only whites to 'advance'
OUR lives we'd be racists.
We have a Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, a Black Chamber of Commerce,
and then we just have the plain Chamber of Commerce.
Wonder who pays for that ?
A white woman could not be in the Miss Black American pageant,
but any color can be in the Miss America pageant. If we had a college
fund that only gave white students scholarships you know we'd be
racists. There are over 60 openly proclaimed Black Colleges in the US .
Yet if there were 'White colleges' THAT would be a racist college.
In the Million Man March, you believed that you were marching for your
race and rights. If we marched for our race and rights,
you would call us racists. You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and
orange, and you're not afraid to announce it.
But when we announce our white pride, you call us racists.
You rob us, carjack us, and shoot at us.
But , w hen a white police officer shoots a black gang member or
beats up a black drug-dealer running from the law and posing a
threat to society, you call him a racist.
I am proud.
But you call me a racist.
Why is it that only whites can be racists ?
There is nothing improper about this e-mail.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteWhy, then, can EVERY balck person in America use that "hate language" toward each other, in art ( such as music) in pop culture, in everyday venacular, and it is okay? No one is questioning the validity of the origin of the word, but I hear this word DAILY, and it isn't from white people, I hear it from black people. DAILY! On the bus, on the radio, in movies, on TV, in the mall, everywhere. Hate language would indicate that it is wrong, when what our children are seeing is that is just a word that black people call themselves. IMO.
ReplyDeleteBig Daddy.....you said it yourself "the only thing from you becoming racist is your black friends" I have friends that are black, mexican, gay, white, so on and so forth. The problem isn't neccessary the race, gender or ethnicity of a person, it's their moral standards and upbringing. I've been following your posts on the other site for some time now and have never heard you use the "n" word. I am also quite confused why is it ok for one black to call another black a "nigger" but not ok for a white to call a black one?????
ReplyDeleteI agree that some (ok, quite a few) black people call each other the N word. I still don't think it's ok. I consider the source. While it isn't necessarily "hate" language when they use it with each other, it does show a profound lack of class. My best friend of over 20 years is black and a professional lady. She is embarrassed by those who presume they can use the word while talking with her simply because they have the same skin color, and regularly tells them so. It's very frustrating for her to try to rise above the ignorance within her own race. She (and others) don't need whites jumping on the bandwagon.
ReplyDeleteYes, Big Daddy, I see your point and understand your reasoning, even if I think it's flawed. It can be nearly impossible to do the right thing and teach your children to make good choices as well, in both this and countless other arenas. If we're going to leave a better world for our children, however, we can't sink to that level. It's just never a good idea to get down in the mud to wrestle with a pig...
Big Daddy, Well, I need to throw a fit more often! I truly apreciate all of the comments on here and on the other blogs about what Ive said and where Ive been. It makes me feel like I peed in my pants. You know, everyone can see it, but only I can feel the warmth! haha Anyway, just got back from Shrevport. Went there for a couple of days with my family. My wife had a meeting so we all tagged along and stayed for an extra day for me and my daughters birthday.
ReplyDeleteNow back to business! I agree with everything that everyone has said. BUT!!! For years, I have tried and preached to look at peope as individuals and not lump them all together. I just dont know any more. I have one friend, thats black and about 45 years old, that wanted me to fire a young man that was about 19 because they were having a conversation and they young man put his hand on his shoulder and said "Oh come on now, you know your my boy". They young man had no idea that BOY could be a racial slur. I explained this to my black friend and he finally agreed. But if you want to, a person can twist anything into a racial or sexual slur! I have soo many expamples I cant list them all. But their all stupid and most of them have been retaliation of one form or another.
ReplyDeleteOne thing that really pisses me off is that TARZAN "the real tarzan the series, black and white version" had to be taken off of the air because BLACKS were offended because of the way that the black people were being portraied. But THE JEFFERSON, are still on the air and George is ALWAYS using the word HONKY! So, whats up with that? Ill tell you! White people have been so beat down from hearing "YOU OWE ME" because my ancistory were slaves that they have been desensitized the situation. And the situation is becomming dier!
One teacher kept having white racial slurs thrown at her. When she went to the principal, she was told that cursing was part of their culture! They sure as hell would take that shit from a white child! Here are some links, if I post them rigt, of some news broadcasts that you should look at.
In the United States you are allowed freedom of religion. If you are a communist you are considered an enemy of the state. So isn’t that the same as saying, You can fuck me around but don’t fuck with my money?
ReplyDeleteIt crazy! People can worship dangerous religions like Islam which is basically telling them to kill all people that are not Islamic. But it is against the law to make threats about certain government officials? Is there something wrong with this picture or is it just me?
Didn't Obama just appoint a former Mexican Border Patroler to head of Homeland Security, and is anyone paying attention to the fact that Russia is putting missle heads BACK in Cuba and we are worried about offending the Muslims, who want to kill me and my family and you and your family. Just sayin'. We are rocketing toward becoming a socialist country with no moral compass and everydays Americans are getting the bill in the mail. Thank you for listening. Sorry if I hurt anyones feelings (lol)
ReplyDeletePerhaps the govt should consider spending some time in Afghanistan, and Saudi Arabia and maybe Darfur for the weekend and then decide whether or not Muslim/Islamic ideals are A-OK for America, cause we are HArboring a ridiculous amount of Sudanese Muslims in Minneapolis, who are being recruited to come back home and rape and pillage in the hopes of getting 40 virgins in Heaven. Something to look foward to.
ReplyDeleteBD, is this your site...in other words, I'm about to blow my head off I'm so angry and need a place to vent!!! Cinoda
ReplyDeleteBig Daddy says: Cinoda, Yes this is my site! Honey, you unload all you want to!!!!! That is why it is here!!! Is soon as I have a drink, Im gonna unload too.!!!!!! Feel Free to unload ALL YOU WANT!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteBig Daddy: I am so pissed off. A blogger asked my opinion on Octomom and I gave it but for some reason it will not show up on the other blog!!! Someone else said that it was racially charged because I told the truth. How is something racially charged if it is the truth unless you are shamed of the truth. Im about to post it here!
ReplyDeleteThis is my comments and thoughts on the Octomom. I was told that it may have been seen as racially charged! Because I said the word African American! This is after I changed it from Black! If it was White, Asian, Latino etc... It would not have been seen as racist! You give me your opinion!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteYes Maris, we all know you are past your PMS days. Are you taking your Estrogen and B-12 like you should? I bet I can answer that without even hearing your response.
Bella, The Octomom is a very troubled individual. She has put a lot of innocent people in a very precarious and potentially dangerous situation. I totally disagree with what she had done. But let me ask you a couple of questions.
Why do you think that people are throwing such a fit about her and her situation when 65% of ALL African American children are born by mothers on Welfare? That equals to MILLIONS of children being born and paid for by the government and that will continue to live off of the government for years. Why are people not complaining about that? This is not a racial statement, it is posted with the US Statistics on the internet.
I believe, as I have stated before, that there are exceptions to every rule. When a woman’s life is in danger due to a pregnancy, I can see aborting it.
One point the Octomom, I think was trying to make which you never hear about. You always hear pro life this pro life that and that abortion is wrong, but pro lifers claim to believe that life begins at conception. Well, aren’t the frozen fertilized eggs considered to have been conceived? What do they do with the extra ones that a woman or family don’t use? Do they destroy them? Doesn’t that fit the same definition as having an abortion according to pro-lifers if life begins at conception? But I never hear any one complaining about destroying those lives.
I think that as a parent, I could not imagine existing without my children! I believe, LET ME BORROW A QUOTE FROM SPIDERMAN, “WITH GREAT POWER COMES GREAT RESPONSIBILITY”.. I am sure that the Octomom is not the only troubled woman out there who wants a passel of kids. The Specialist and scientists that have made this all possible need to be held to a higher level of responsibility. Just because you can do something doesn’t necessarily mean that you should do it.
Me personally, think that the whole thing is morally wrong! There are soo many kids in the foster system that are being bumped around looking for someone to love that will love them back. People are taking them in for the money and then pumping them full of drugs so they wont act like kids and will stay out of their way. Then you have a few good people who get attached to the kids and the kids to them and they are ripped away for whatever reason. Here is some information you may or may not know. The term Foster Children, when I was growing up meant the kids were taken away from their parent for whatever reason and one day may or may not return to them. Have you noticed that you no longer hear the term Orphan? That’s because they are now all lumped into one group! FOSTER CHILDREN. Some have lost parent due to death or etc… I think that given a chance people could love these kids like their own and they could love them back, creating a win win situation. But why do that when you can have a kid of you rown thru science? I just think it takes an already bad off balance situation and makes it even worse. For the children that will never be loved by the parents that they could have had if not for science. And for the Perspective parents that will never get to know and love a kid that could have been theirs.
I know that I haven’t bashed the Octomom like you probably have expected. I don’t agree with here and I think, no, I know she needs some mental help. But I love kids, and foster kids is a subject that is very close to my heart. Sorry, I got a little wordie!
Big Daddy: I had a thought tonight while I was plastering holes in a wall. As you know, blacks are not going to leave America. Nor should they! They have helped to build this country! They are fully intergrated into our society. I DO have a problem with my children in public schools being told they have to do reports on people that are BLACK during BLACK HISTORY MONTH! Or any other time!!!! This is not going to change! I don’t have a problem with BLACK HISTORY MONTH except that they are the only race that has to have their own MONTH!!!!!!!! I wouldn’t have a problem with it if there was a CHINESE MONTH, MIXICAN MONTH, JAPANESE MONTH, NATIVE AMERICAN MONTH etc….In fact I think it would be a awesome idea!!! Teach our children the contribution that ALL races from ALL countries have made to our country! I think that would be a GREAT IDEA!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAs I was watching “BLACK TO THE FUTURE” the other night, on BLACK INTERTAINMENT TELEVISON” , one of the guest made the comment that it is about time they got to where they were after 400 years! I didn’t realize that it has been 400 years since slavery! I agree that slavery was wrong!!! I believe that Blacks were treated horribly during that time! However, they also said that they were stolen! They were not, they were sold by the chiefs of their tribes. But my point is that I never owned slaves! My father never sold slaves, My Grandfather never owned slaves! People I know were never slaves, their parents were never slaves, and their Grandparent were never slaves!!!!! So what is the freaking deal!!! There is a lot of truth in “If you hate it here so much, why don’t you buy a ticket back to Africa”!!!!! That is not going to happen! This is their country as much as it is anyone elses! So get on with life and be glad that you were rescued form a country that is now dieing from a epidemic of AIDS!!!!
Did you know that there are GROWN men having sex with INFANTS in Africa because someone told them it would get rid of AIDS? HOW SICK IS THAT?
Sorry, I sorta got off topic!
Cinoda: Jeez BD, I actually agree with you regarding the Octomom and foster children. My oldest son and his wife are both 32. She put herself through college and a Masters in special education. Took her 10 years or so...my point is they met in high school and at that time agreed that children were to be in their future. Well the time has come and my SON is like no way....I would rather adopt a kid that doesn't have a chance, while she of course "wants her own". I'm proud of my son with his selfless thinking, but at the same time feel for my daughter in law, since he kind of "changed" the rules on her. I'm sure they will figure it out, I keep out of it.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe that your post was rejected, I didn't see anything racial in it, again stating facts and giving an opinion.
I love the other site with Maris, Missy, Bella and such, but find that the J and K debate gets stale after awhile. It's the same old BS in a different shape or form. Now when new shows air, it's a differet story, new gossip...LOL. Plus it seems that a few of us like to get off of the J&K topic and launch into other debates, didn't know if Evil Beet would have a problem with that, that's why I asked if this site was indeed yours.
Well I've calmed down finally. I thought I was going to stroke out for a while. My doctor explained it to me: Most cars you can step on the gas and it will evenly pick up speed, while other cars go from 0 to 90 in 5 sec. That's my blood pressure...when I get pissed it skyrockets into dangerous areas. I have special BP pills to take when it does this.
My husband just got laid off, well not a total layoff, they can call him in whenever they want. Maybe 3 days per week, maybe none. Our medical ins was cancelled immediately. In most states they give you to the end of the month, but not in Nevada. I figured ok COBRA, with the 65% subsidery will make it affordable for us. But guess what, the IRS says that since he is sometimes working we are not eligble. That was #1. Then I get in the cobra bill $525.00 for March, $88 for the end of February. What I don't get is: I cannot get any prescriptions NOW or see my doctor because I am not covered, but once I pay this retroactive I am covered. See my point? Since I don't have coverage now, why not just say "As soon as you pay you are covered on that date" I will be paying for coverage that I didn't have or couldn't use!!!!!!!!!!!
Then #2 which set me through the roof: I had breast cancer 6 years ago at the age of 42. My doctor wanted a pet scan done to be sure that I was indeed cancer free; we got it approved through my medical provider. They sent me a letter and everything. Now I am being billed for $750 as my co pay. I have had bone scans, MRI's,CAT scans and my copay has always been $30. Apparently buried on page 998 of their manual it states this!!!!!!!
Then I hear about AIG and their bonuses and want to puke.
I'm not on a "feel sorry for me". I know many people have it far far worse. The entire process pisses me off. I have neighbors who DON'T own a home and can get free medical through the state of AZ, They can go to any top medical center they want, no co pays, and get this...the guy gets all of these narcotics free and then sells them!!!!!!!!!!!!
You try to do things the "right" way. I have never received any assistance, put myself thru college, worked my ass off to support my kids, own a home, and hell if I get it!!!
Sorry for the long post, but needed to vent and didn't want to drag my family into it.....they get all concerned and shit.
Cinoda: Let me correct you...there is also a Mexican Month. Can't remember the name of it, but my sister went nuts when a screen saver at her work popped up with it. She went right to human recourses and told them that unless she can get a screen saver with every nationality,she didn't want one for just Mexicans. She wanted one for Hungarians!!!!!!!! They told her she was making a big deal out of nothing!!!
ReplyDeleteIf you look at You tube, there is a news story where a White teacher was being pelted by black children who were calling her CRACKER, HONKEY, MF WHITE WOMAN, etc... She took them to court and got $300,000.!!!! Its about time thing start to turn around! I think since America is made up of all races from all countries, that everyone should have their own month! Other wise BLACK HISTORE MONTH IS RACIST!!!! I also think that it would help teach our kids more about America and that its not just made up of BLACK people!!!!!
ReplyDeleteCinoda, You rant and rave all you want! I don’t know anyone who would not be upset after going thru everything that you and your family have been thru!!!!!! My personal opinion is “IF YOU HAVE TO LIVE THE GAME YOU HAVE TO LEARN HOW TO PLAY IT”
ReplyDeleteMy son was being abused by the black children at his middle school. He had bruises all over his arms and chest where the black kids would come up to him and say “HEY WHITE BOY” and hit him! We went to the school about it and all they would do is have him stand in front of the principals window while waiting on his ride after school!!! For several years my wife claimed that she lived with her sister on the other side of town! She doesn’t like to mislead people but I have no problem with it! We have now moved into a 2 bedroom trailer in another town with 4 kids so they can go to a school where they will not abused by the black children!
Cin, you need to do what you need to do to get what you need! Go to a government funded hospital! A lot of them are and can not refuse patients! That’s because they receive government funding to cover the cost of people who can not afford to pay. There is no shame in it, just tell them you’ll pay. Do what you have to do! Neither you or you spouse are going to do anyone any good if your not around any more! I guarantee you that black folks wouldn’t hesitate to do it and if you were an illegal alien you would be taken care of! Hell, I pay taxes, you have MY permission to go get the help that you need! That’s where the funding comes from! Your and my taxes! USE THEM!!!!
Write me back soon and feel free to email me!
Big Daddy!
Cinoda, Sorry, I forgot about your other comment! I got so fired up about the other one! You can't fight nature! Your daughter-in-law has a natural urge to want to reproduce that is very strong! Koodos, to your son who wants to adopt for foster a child. It is the greatest gift that you can ever give! I can't discount eather of their feelings! They are both true! Unless the doctor has diagnosed her and said that she can not have childern, Ive known a LOT of people who once they adopt actually become pregnanant! So it may be a winnig situation!
ReplyDeleteThis comment goes to the few of you who are quite ignorant 1:There is a Hispanic History Month, Asian History, as well as a Women's History Month. They are not publicized as much as Black History Month because, Black Americans were the biggest minority group up until now, and the government felt obligated and got tired of people complaining that Black History was totally avoided in public schools. 2. As far as Black colleges, all races are permitted to attend,they are just historically Black, because during the time most were established it was nearly impossible for a black person to go to a Harvard or Yale, due to the racist ideology that was prevalent during the time. As a matter of fact a white student was voted class president at a historically black college, the name of the school escapes me at the moment, but if you don't believe me look it up. 3.There are many issues in this country, and many of which won't be resolved with people just brushing them under the rug. Ignorance is color blind, racists come in all colors, and stupidity is color blind. 4.And just a note, slaves were sold by African chiefs, until the chiefs were gathered and brought to America as slaves. 5.Next, the only way that we will be able to "get over" the issues we have about race, we need to have open, honest, and educated discussion on the topic. An injustice was done four hundred years ago, the issue has been swept under the rug for years. And the only time that it is discussed, it becomes a heated lump of mumble jumble. Slavery was abolished, not ignorance. The only way to combat ignorance is through education. 6.Lastly, any racial slur aimed at white people were in response to the N word. A word that is filled with hate, no matter if it has an "a" or "ing". Or whether or not its from any body from any race towards anyone from anyrace. Nobody can take the sting that it has away from the word.
ReplyDeleteCinoda: Thanks BD, just needed to get it out! I'll let you know how I make out.
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to think how to word this....We all have experiences with different types and kinds of people. Now with you sharing your story about your child, I understand a little more why your feelings are like they are with regards to African Americans. We are or should be like LIONS when it comes to protecting our kids. My oldest had a problem with some Middle Eastern kids in high school. To this day, he dislikes that culture as a whole. My youngest son, lived in a black neighbor hood (by his economic choice)and boy, the things from his mouth. I have personally been involved with an 8 year old boy (I'm his second Mom), who had trouble with the Hispanics in our community. Similar to your situation, the schoold wouldn't do a damn thing about the abuse except say that they would watch. And when my friend would fight back, he would get taken to the office and talked to. Luckly here you can open enroll in the schools and his Mom changed schools.
So to the above post, it's not ignorance, nor is it being racist. It's sharing personal stories that have happened to each and every one of us. I will tell you that I have very close Black friends, Hispanic friends and Gay Friends, and I've learned a lot from them. We can have intelligent conversations and debates at times and still remain friends. It's not the color of the skin or the sexual preference that makes the person, but what is inside their heart. When I was in my 20's I went to an all black bar, (long story), had a great time. When I shared this with a black male friend he asked "What did it feel like?". I told him that it was really weird being stared at, I WAS the only white person in there. He responded "That's what I feel everyday of my life" Made me think.....
Hell as of right now, I could probably make the statement that I am "racist" against BANKERS. I don't care what color, creed, or religion. Just the group as a whole. Is that being racist or just hateful?
It's part of the beast when we feel an injustice has been done, and these injustices also happen to people of all color and race, so they rant against the whites as a whole.
Did I make sense?
See my opinion?
I'm adding HMO's to my plight now too!!!!LOL
Big Daddy says:
ReplyDeleteTo the Anonymous poster who responded to the comment concerning the Mexican history month, Black history month etc... My children have NEVER had to focus on these months in school and write about people in our history from these diverse backgrounds. ONLY BLACK HISTORY MONTH! This makes it WRONG! Eather give equal attention to each one or NOT AT ALL!!! Other wise it is a racist attempt to force even more black down everyones throat! And it hasnt worked to broaden their outlook on anything. When a teacher is told that they will have to tolerate being called Cracker, Honky etc.. and being called a M.F. and F this and F that because ITS PART OF THEIR HARTITAGE? BULL SHIT!! We had to get onto an employee for trying to wear their freaking pants down below thier ass we were told it was part of their history! BULL SHIT! Did you know that all began in prisons where the men who were open to having anal sex would wear their pants that way? I guess for easy access! I dont know why they would want to emulate these kinds of people anyway! Thats probably why 90% of all black men spend time in prison. Yes there are SOME fine upstanding blacks. But they are the exception, not the rule!
Big Daddy says:
ReplyDeleteCheck out this goverment site! Its very interesting!
Big Daddy says: This is by Bill Cosby: I found it and thought everyone should read it!
ReplyDelete'They're standing on the corner and they can't speak English.
I can't even talk the way these people talk:
Why you ain't,
Where you is,
What he drive,
Where he stay,
Where he work,
Who you be...
And I blamed the kid until I heard the mother talk.
And then I heard the father talk.
Everybody knows it's important to speak English except these knuckleheads. You can't be a doctor with that kind of crap coming out of your mouth
In fact you will never get any kind of job making a decent living.
People marched and were hit in the face with rocks to get an Education, and now we've got these knuckleheads walking around.
The lower economic people are not holding up their end in this deal..
These people are not parenting. They are buying things for kids.
$500 sneakers for what?
And they won't spend $200 for Hooked on Phonics.
I am talking about these people who cry when their son is standing there in an orange suit.
Where were you when he was 2?
Where were you when he was 12?
Where were you when he was 18 and how come you didn't know that he had a pistol?
And where is the father? Or who is his father?
People putting their clothes on backward:
Isn't that a sign of something gone wrong?
People with their hats on backward, pants down around the crack, isn't that a sign of something?
Isn't it a sign of something when she has her dress all the way up and got all type of needles [piercing] going through her body?
What part of Africa did this come from??
We are not Africans. Those people are not Africans; they don't know a thing about Africa .....
I say this all of the time. It would be like white people saying they are European-American. That is totally stupid.
I was born here, and so were my parents and grand parents and, very likely my great grandparents. I don't have any connection to Africa, no more than white Americans have to Germany , Scotland , England , Ireland , or the Netherlands . The same applies to 99 percent of all the black Americans as regards to Africa . SO STOP, ALREADY! ! !
With names like Shaniqua, Taliqua and Mohammed and all of that crap ......... and all of them are in jail.
Brown or black versus the Board of Education is no longer the white person's problem.
We have got to take the neighborhood back.
People used to be ashamed. Today a woman has eight children with eight different 'husbands' -- or men or whatever you call them now.
We have millionaire football players who cannot read.
We have million-dollar basketball players who can't write two paragraphs. We, as black folks have to do a better job.
Someone working at Wal-Mart with seven kids, you are hurting us.
We have to start holding each other to a higher standard.
We cannot blame the white people any longer.'
Dr. William Henry 'Bill' Cosby, Jr., Ed.D.
Bill Cosby's remarks to his own people are not intended to give you license to disparage them. Do you actually believe half the shit you're shoveling? He says to blacks "We have to start holding each other to a higher standard." You say to whites "We have to start holding each other to a lower standard." You're an ignorant, hypocritical, closed-minded fool, totally incapable of looking at anything from a point of view other than your own. You're an embarrassment to the white race.
ReplyDeleteummm, I don;t think so. I think he is spot on and has a very good point, if the black race is calling for higher standards, why should we not expect that? We are REQUIRED to. If not, your a racist. Right on Big Daddy.
ReplyDeleteI have been boiling over that post all day! Thinking and searching within myself for answers! I respect everyone’s opinion even if they do not agree with mine. But this comment is ridiculous! If you are so blind that you can not see that White Americans that think about you are the problem, not the solution! You are blind to the racial discrimination that all white people have suffered over the past many years! I whole hardily agree that Black People were treated unfairly in the past. BUT none of them are alive now! Things have changed and my children nor my self have ever flogged a black person! It is time all that shit was put away. Like Dr, Bill Cosby said, its time to stop blaming white people for what is happening! When you are given a GOOD public education but you CHOOSE to say things like, “I BE, WHO IS YOU, WHERE YOU BE. Who the heck is going to hire someone like that! Not to mention having freaking babies by every tom dick and Harry! 65% of all BLACK people are born on welfare! 65% percent! That’s over half of their freaking race!! What is wrong with you people who want to keep defending these people! Notice I say , these people. Its not the whole race but most of the race, as the statistics show! They are the rule instead of the exception! I am an embarrassment to the white race? I DON’T THINK SO! You stupid, and yes I said STUPID, people who don’t respect you r own people are the ones causing the down fall of the white race!!!!! Not to mention, that according to the statistics, because numbers don’t lie, Blacks are responsible for the majority of murders! Rather they be black or white! But they only make up, what, 1/3rd of the supposed population! WAKE FREAKING UP! WHAT DOES THAT SAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! ????? White people pay 85% of taxes but 65 percent of the people who use the money are, yes you guest it, BLACK!!!! WAKE UP AND SMELL THE FREAKING COFFEE!!!!!!!!! I am a supporter of equal rights! I believe that Martin Luther King was a GREAT MAN. Believing that people should not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character! I’m looking at the content of their character, as did Bill Crosby and they are a parasite on America and those of us who work and pay taxes!!!!! Even Bill, another BLACK man sees the abomination!!!! The closer the two races become, HOPEFULLY, the more of them will realize it! We have been shown that white people in America have no voice if we talk about any other race. Its been shown over and over again! Its time we get our head out of our asses and do something about it!!!!!! I’m getting tired now so I’m going to go. But the new saying that we ALL need to use is “ITS BECAUSE IM WHITE! “ Here it comes again. We move our 4 children form our house in Tyler Texas to a small 2 bedroom trailer in Bullard because my son kept being abused by the black kids! He would come home daily from school with bruises on his arms and chest by kids that would walk by him and say “HEY WHITE BOY” and hit him! The school, and DR. Rose, the black principal of Stewart Middle School, who is black wouldn’t do a damn thing about it!!! So we moved to a trashie little freaking trailer to keep my children and my daughter who was going into middle school from being abused by the black kids!!!! I remember when I was young they used to preach the racism needed to stop, meaning form the white people. Well guess what? THE DAME RACIST VIEWS ARE COMING FORM THE DAMN NIGGERS!!!!!
You thought about it, "searched within" yourself, and all you can come up with is more hatred? Wow, proof positive that you are a very shallow, empty shell of a man, bankrupt and devoid of any ideas to better the world around you other than to move to a different trailor park. Take a look around, look at the company you keep, look at the views they hold. Do they mirror your own? While you wallow in self-pity and justify your narrow-mindedness, your children are watching. Twenty years from now (or less), they'll still be nursing your bitterness and indignation.
ReplyDeleteFor their sakes, you moved them to a better neighborhood. Does it ever occur to you to move them to a better world, one which they could help to create? Or would you prefer they stay in the one you perpetuate? Why not ask them? Maybe, just maybe, they don't want to be you. Maybe they are sharp enough to see how much it sucks to be you.
Dude, there's your reality.
You stupid bitch! Do you hate yourself and your own kind so much that you have to try make everyone around you seem small so that you you can feel important in your own eyes? Well stupid bitch, go away, because its not working here. I was forced to move my family to a trailer park infested with child molesters from a very nice home so that my children will not have to be abused by black children in a school that my tax dollars pay for. Yea, I guess I schouldn't feel any hatred? The world is full of rainbows and puppies!!! Hey, I have an Idea? Lets invite Yosama Benladen over for cookies and icecream? You stupid bitch! You stupid stupid bitch!
ReplyDeleteSmooth move, Ex-lax! Whisk your kids away from those evil black nigglets who were picking on them, straight into the arms of eagerly awaiting child molesters. Wow, that was brilliant strategy. Did you come up with that all by yourself, or did you have to enlist help? Do you also have plans to rescue them from college educations? Is there a bottom to that deep well of ignorance you drink from, or is it an endless abyss?
ReplyDeleteI realize you may wince at the sensation of my feet on your over-inflated ego, but I don't have to make you seem small. You're doing just fine on your own in that department.
All of my life, I have been an advocate for people of all races being treated according to their character. I guess I still feel that way because I don’t group my friends that are of other races into those categories. However, if my son had just been picked on, that would have been fine! Kids pick on other kids. My son was ABUSED! He had LARGE bruises down both arms from his shoulder to his elbows. The top of his chest and down one side of his abdomen had LARGE bruises. When “picking” becomes that intense, it stops being picking and becomes abuse. Take the fact that when they would hit him they would say “HEY WHITE BOY” turns this “picking as you called it” into a crime of HATE! My son, who has dyslexia, is very self conscious and keeps to himself. He is never disrespectful to anyone, except his little sister, and has never done any harm to anyone. He has never heard a curse word used in our home and has never heard one of us use the “N” word. He has testified to me that he HATES black people! I asked him why? He said because of the way that they act. He didn’t learn racism in our home, where people say most racism it taught. He was TAUGHT racism by the very children to whom we are not supposed to be racist against! I had finally instructed him to pick up something and defend himself the next time he was hit. He didn’t do it. When I asked him why, he said, If I would have done that they would have swarmed all over me! My eyes then opened for the first time. He was right. I remember seeing that very thing happen many times in school when I was growing up. My son endured this torture for 2 years. The principal, Dr, Rose, of Stewart Middle school would only say, have him stand in front of my window so I can watch him! However, a white girl, allegedly stole a CD that some other child brought to school. She was suspended!
ReplyDeleteAt work, Wal-Mart, I saw a black woman, who was not qualified for a Co manager position get promoted. She had been a department manager and had just become an assistant. A year later after she become a Co Manager she was fired for steeling jewelry. Then they promoted another black woman, who hadn’t even managed all areas of the store, to Co Manager. She was picked over another WOMAN who had been a successful Store Manager for them in the past. She had been the district secretary for years and was familiar with all of the reports even on a district level. She had already been a CO Manager for years. She had stepped down to move closer to her son who was in college. When the district manager was asked how did these two women get promoted, his response was, “the decision was politically motivated!”
When we were enrolling my children in their new school, I refused to fill out the EEOC section of their paper work. A BLACK woman came out and said I had to complete this part of the form. I asked, What does the color fo their skin have to do with them receiving an education from a school that I am paying taxes for? She said it had to be completed! For the first time I STOOD MY GROUND AND TOLD HER SHE WAS BEING RACIST! My kids were mortified!
Now, after reading all of this, do I sound RACIST! If wanting to be treated as equals and wanting the same for my kids, without the fear of abuse is being racist, then I guess I am! If this is your impression of me, let me ask you! Who made me the way that I am?
While I’m taking a break Ill share Non racial experiences with you to see what you think! I’m from a town called Helena, Arkansas. Helena was about 90% black when I was growing up there. It is right on the Mississippi river. I was raised primarily with blacks. I got along with them and they were my friends. I have been to black clubs and didn’t feel that out of place, I guess because that was where I was raised. When I moved to Texas I got along with and related to black people more than I did with the whites.
ReplyDeleteHowever, while I was growing up, I had a female friend, about 14 years old, who was held down on the school bus by two black boys while one of them attempted to insert his penis into her mouth. When her father went to speak to the principal about what had happened he was told it was her word against his. Even though there were a bus load of witness. Needless to say after the principal was allowed to get back up off of the floor by the father, her Dad was the one who suffered the consequences. Nothing was ever done to the two boys who attempted to rape her!
Now the town is 98% black. Most of the whites have evacuated the town due to the insurmountable amount of crime that exists in it. You may have seen it on TV. They Mayor, now black, released all of the dogs that were being held in the towns animal shelter, into the national forest. He has since, imposed a curfew over part of the town because of the crime. There are clips on You Tube of 12, 13 and 14 year old kids breaking into local businesses. I ask, where are their parents? Since the increased percentage of blacks to white ratio, crime has skyrocketed in this town.
Did you know 98 percent of taxes are paid for by workers that are white? Did you know that 75% of the money spent on Welfare programs, food stamps etc. are received by blacks?
Did you know that only 3% of blacks are willing to donate blood?
Did you know that 65% of all black children are born are paid for by the government? That is OVER half!
Did you know that between 90% and 98% of black men will spend time in a jail or federal prison?
Did you know that blacks are 7 time more likely to commit murder?
Did you know that white people use poison 79.8 % as a murder weapon where blacks use gun 56.4 % fo the time? I thought that was pretty interesting.
I don’t remember the exact number but also very few blacks will join the military?.
I have not made one racial statement in this comment. I have simply put some of the facts before you. These are some things that I have witnessed and some of the numbers. Numbers don’t lie. You make up your own mind then tell me why people feel the way that they do. Here is a link to one site where I got some of my information.
Here's my beef. Since when has giving birth to a child given no more thought then buying a new pair of sneakers. I'm a woman who has worked in jobs with a lot of young girls. No one is ever married, and practically everyone has a baby. Of course they're all in daycare, which is being subsidized by the government. Even when these mother's are off, since most are part time, there kids are in child care. In my day you were mortified if you got pregnant as a teen. Now it's the norm. What has happened to parenting to allow this to go on to epidemic proportions. Trillions are being spend to care for these children and mothers. It's getting worse with no end in sight. They don't think twice about getting pregnant again and again. I'm not against single motherhood, but I think women should have their own shit together before producing. We have birth control, this isn't the dark ages. Whats wrong with people. I'm telling you now, this is a major problem with this country and why we have no money. We're supporting ignorant young girls and their offspring, who will probably grow up and do the same thing. It's time to put back some shame in this. Somebody do something. Obama could really make a difference, I feel, if he would address the situation he could pull if off, and quite a few would listen to him. I hope he realizes this is a real crisis, and tries to do something about it. It's pathetic, and embarassing to be an American anymore. Young people just get whatever they want, without any regard for the consequences, and feel it's their right for everyone else to support them. Stupid parents included.
ReplyDeleteI work in the firth largest bank in the country. (you guys try to figure it out), I work in the philly region. The head of human resources in the area is black, as is her team. Every single bank manager is black, and practically everyone being hired is black. I've seen many of these managers, or head tellers, do nothing more then shop online all day long. No wonder our banks are in trouble. I'm never out, and work my ass off all day. I'm the token white in our branch. I'll be lucky to just keep my job. I have no problem when someone is qualified, but more and more the only thing that gets you anywhere in this bank is the color of your skin.
ReplyDeleteI agree, and it starts at home! You try to teach your kids right from wrong but then they have all of these outside influences. My kids can’t even watch a TV show with out seeing a commercial on how to make your freaking dick bigger, harder and last longer! What the HELL??? Who made the decision that was ok to put on TV? I’m embarrassed every time that comes on TV in front of my kids! But, if you pee on a tree, you can get a ticket! Why don’t they unscramble the dirty movies so the kids can watch those too. I’m just rambling now but before it can be stopped or even decreased, SEX needs to stop being talked about so openly in front of kids that shouldn’t even know what sex is! That’s all I have to say!
ReplyDeleteI also agree. The way society has excepted unwed motherhood is frightening. Babies should not be having babies. I don't know how to stop it either, but I think this epidemic should be addressed, and brought out into the open. It's a plague on our society, and it's draining all the money. I don't think it has anything to do with sex. European counties are very open about sex and nudity on TV, and they don't have a fraction of teenage pregnancies that we have here. Maybe it's all down to respect. Respect for ones self, respect for your parents, and respect for your country. Maybe that's what we're lacking.
ReplyDeleteThat’s a good point. I’m not very well informed about teen pregnancy in other countries but I do know that they are very open about sex. I may be wrong, but in those countries if a child steps out of line don’t they get spanked severely? I say spanked but I think it more like the woop the hell out of them if they step out of line! I might be wrong, that just what I’ve seen on TV. I know when I was growing up I didn’t dare stray very far because I knew what I would get if my parents found out! Could that be answer? Could it that simple? I do know that since paddling was taken out of schools that behavioral problems have increased. I fully believe in spanking in our home. And since my kids know it, there is VERY seldom that it is necessary. You may have really hit son something. I also believe that the punishment should fit the crime. Since children are no longer receiving punishment the is relative to the undesirable behavior, that could very well explain why the justice system is over crowded. If they never received punishment relative to the behavior that they had exhibited when they were growing up, they may not fully understand the level of punishment that the judicial system will exact on them for the crimes that they have committed. What do you think?
ReplyDeleteGood point big Daddy, and I think you're on to something. I worked in day care for years, and I saw first hand how kids realize, at a very early age, that no matter what they do, the worst that's going to happen to them is a time out. Big deal! Parents these days can't spank, or they risk being thrown in jail, even by their own kids. Yes sir, getting with everyting does not make for a good person, just a spoiled rotten kid and adult.
ReplyDeleteGetting back to the racial issues here, I can see valid points on both sides of the fence. Big Daddy, I understand you go out of your way to protect your children, and I understand you were treated unfairly in situations, but I also see how some might perceive you as racist, at least to some degree. Just for example the incident on the school bus. Any time you have to qualify your statements of wrong doing by adding that the perpetrator's skin was black, it gives it a racial overtone. Would the incident have been any less wrong if the boys were white? Of course not -- wrong is wrong, regardless of who's doing it. If the authorities failed to deal with it properly because the boys were black, that makes them wrong as well. If a person is hired into a position (not necessarily the one you spoke of, but ANY position) and is not qualified to hold that position, and the first thing you do is notice the color of their skin, it shows that you're basing your opinion of them on their race rather than their ineptness. Was it wrong to hire a person who wasn't up to the job? Yes. If they hired that person merely because they were black (or Hispanic, Asian, etc.), then they're wrong as well and should be called out for it. But when you speak so freely in generalities about a race of people, you're inevitably going to hurt the good people of that race who likely would have held your point of view if not for the racial statement. So, are you a racist? I think you are, at least a little. I think we all are to different degrees, and not just whites. I think we have to make a conscious effort to be color-blind, at least we should.
ReplyDeleteYou love to quote statistics, but there's a subtle flaw in doing that, even if the numbers are correct. It's what can be deduced from them. One could say the wealthiest 5% of the population is white. Because we're white, does that make you and I wealthy? I wish it did...
I seem to be going around the world to make a point here, I know. I'm just saying that when you group people by saying all or most, you're casting a wide net that is bound to catch some innocent people, and they rightfully are going to find those remarks very hurtful. Without telling me any more personal experiences, can you tell me if this makes sense to you?
You'll probably tell me how unrealistic I am, but when we look at people, I just think we have to look with better eyes... not sink to that level simply because everybody's doing it... you know, be a better person... Just saying...
So, we agree that overcrowding in correctional facilities is greatly due to children not receiving disciplinary corrections that is directly proportionate to their undesirable behavior while in their youth. Do you think that is issue with teen pregnancy? Children aren’t receiving discipline that is proportionately equal to offset their undesirable behavior? Therefore they are not adequately equipped as children to understand the long reaching consequences of their actions, such as having child after child after child and not being able to support them without government assistance.
ReplyDeleteWe, the people, have got to figure out a answer quick if its not already too late.
When the country first began this downward economic spiral I thought it would be temporary. The economy is usually balanced according to supply and demand. However, businesses keep reducing the demand by continuing to reduce their supply by terminating their employees. Without people making money, by being employed, there is no one to spend money to meet their demands.
People were once up in arms over teen pregnancy. Now they have become desensitized. People used to create an uproar over the amount of people receiving Welfare for extended periods of time. Now they have become desensitized to that as well. Now with so many people being totally dependant for government assistance I don’t know if we can recover! We have raised a generation of Americans that don’t or won’t work! It seems that now their window of opportunity is closing as the number of available jobs become fewer and fewer.
One of the earlier bloggers made the comment, Ill cut and paste it for you!
For their sakes, you moved them to a better neighborhood. Does it ever occur to you to move them to a better world, one which they could help to create? Or would you prefer they stay in the one you perpetuate? Why not ask them? Maybe, just maybe, they don't want to be you. Maybe they are sharp enough to see how much it sucks to be you.
She is right! It does suck to be me. To have to look at a world that MY generation helped to create. Children having children and not being able to support them. Children afraid to go to school and receive an education because schools wont get rid of the gang members because they will loose their government funding, etc… Our children may not have a choice but to create a world of their own and they may be having to make it from scratch! I am afraid for my kids. I have complained and heard other complain about these very same issues my entire life. That’s where it ALL stem from is fear. Fear of being called a bad parent because you spank your children so they will learn the severity of the consequences of their actions. Fear of being called a racist because you identify a particular culture or race that tends to be more dependant on government resources than others. Fear of doing what they know is right, because up to now, the consequences for offending someone, for what they are doing wrong. has been more severe than the consequences for the people who are actually committing the crimes and / or undesirable behavior.
In response to the racist comment. I totally agree with you! That was actually kind of my point. I believe they should get rid of the EEOC code on everything. It shouldn’t make a difference what color your skin or what gender you may be when it comes to education or employment. However, something is wrong or broken. I would not have used these examples if they weren’t to make a specific point. If the boys had not been black, they would have had consequences to their actions. it’s the fact that they were black that they did not. The other boys at school who were abusing my son did not suffer any consequences because they were black and so was the Principal. However, the white girl who was accused of taking a CD was thrown out of school instantly with out any evidence. It wasn’t meant to be racial but it’s the facts.
ReplyDeleteThe woman at work was denied the promotion because she was white. It is happening and I feel unless someone calls attention to this matter it will continue to happen. Only thru education and awareness will anything change. I believe that names and races should not be even be considered for jobs employment or education. When having to make a determination the people making the decisions should just have a numbered piece of paper containing the persons experience, education and what special skills they can contribute. However, when that is done, you see lawsuits and marches because the person that was not chosen is black or a female. Injustices to other races by white are always so largely publicized but when it is the other way around its swept under the rug. Its happening. And according to the evidence, statistics, there is something wrong since there seem to be more crimes committed on whites than by them. I don’t hate anyone. I simply want equality for everyone. If the statistics are any indication, things are not equal. With the so-called minorities the percentages should be lower, much lower not higher. This is a very very bad indicator. I have had to work with reports and numbers my whole working career and when this happens, it is not good!
Reference the lawsuit that Wal-Mart introduced by women saying that they are not being promoted to management positions because of their gender. Lets just look at at the availability of the position. You have to be able to work 6am until 5pm. Regularly you have to stay untill 8 or 10 pm and have to be back at 6 or 7 in the morning. You only get one weekend off a month and most of those you will get called into work. I was off of work, as salaried management, for 5 days and received 55 calls during that time. I had to stay until 11pm every Friday for two years in order to finish schedules that other assistants didn’t know how.
Now let look at the facts about most females availability. In a traditional family that has both a female and man, the female is usually the main caregiver of the children. Therefore their children can’t be at school until 7:30am. They get out of school at 3:00pm. That does not fit into their availability. If the family is divorced or she is single, the female usually retains guardianship over the children. That makes it is even harder! As an assistant for many years, I have had to be a work before the kids get up and didn’t get home until after they were asleep. My wife has actually brought my children to the store because she didn’t want them to forget who I was, especially the younger ones. I’m not saying that women are not capable of doing the job, I’m just saying that they do not usually have the availability that the job requires. And that the women who brought on the charges had no idea of what the position would require. Now, because of the lawsuit, there are supposed to be equal numbers of men and women. So, now women that are not qualified for the positions are being promoted while there are men who are out of work and being passed over, that are qualified because of their gender. In my former store the assistant management is now ALL female. There is ONE male Co-Manger out of the four. Yet, there has yet to be a Male pressing a lawsuit for discrimination.
We went to a DIVERSITY meeting in Dallas. This was after EDWARDO CASTRO WRITE had become the new CEO of the company. The head of Personnel over the region was there, he was also new and also Hispanic. The whole meeting was about Hispanics! He actually took a microphone around the audience and stuck it into peoples faces and asked them what they thought? Daring them to say what was on everyones minds. At the end of the meeting the presented the scholarships for that year. There were about 10 people. Nine of them were Hispanic and one of them was black. He said, and I quote, “THESE ARE THE PEOPLE THAT ARE GOING TO BE RUNNING YOUR COMPANY, WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THAT? !!! He was refering to the fact that they were all Hispanic.
We went to an earlier diversity meeting conducted by a Hispanic woman. She had a board with colored squares, triangles and circles on a board. She said that the offices and stores should be made up of equal of each. Meaning race and gender. I asked the question, What do you do if the demographic saturation of the surrounding community is not equal? She refused to answer my question. So for those of you who do not understand, Ill define it for you. If you are in a community of 10 whites, 5 black and 5 Hispanic and you need to hire 15 people you have to hire all of the black, all of the Hispanics and 5 of the whites. Without making your decision based on qualifications or experience. So all the other two races are employed just because of their race while others that may be better qualified and worked harder are unemployed because of the color of their skin.
If you can tell me what is right and what is wrong? Tell me how to fix this so that people are being rewarded for their character and hard work and not because of their race.
I think you may have touched on a basic truth, Big Daddy. We live in a society that is governed by fear, and that's only one of its ills but I'll stay on that for now. To a great degree, we parent out of fear -- fear that our children will become addicted to drugs, involved with gangs, be killed in a car accident, all kinds of fears. In my time, if a young girl became pregnant out of wedlock, she went to "visit an aunt" for a year or so. These days, if you can manage to raise a daughter whose only shortcoming is to get pregnant, you're doing better than a whole slew of people. It's become accepted as a lesser evil, at least among parents. The kids are just more accepting of all kinds of things, and there's probably all kinds of reasons -- TV, peer pressure, and yes lack of consequences. My own daughter is now 30. When I was bringing her up and we talked about various behaviors (pregnancy in particular), I told her that if she got pregnant, she was NOT going to have an abortion and she was NOT going to give it up for adoption and that I was NOT going to raise it for her -- NOT so long as she stuck her feet under my table. She made me a mother-in-law before she made me a grandmother. Did it work?? -- or did I just get lucky?? She isn't dead and she didn't get hooked on drugs. I'll take it either way and say thank you...
Tell you how to fix what's wrong with the world?? If I could do that, do you think I'd be on this site blogging?? Or do you think I'd be sitting my skinny butt up in some mansion somewhere? LOL! All I know is that it has to start at home...
ReplyDeleteIn another twenty or so years, there won't be any race issues. The Asians, Blacks, Hispanic's, Hindu's, Arabs, etc. oh and Whites are all having babies together. Since it's a known fact that the Asian gene is predominant, we'll all look like a light brown Asians. So there. Everyone will look the same. No more racism. It's happening all the time.
ReplyDeleteLook who Kim Cardasian and Kendra Wilkonson are marrying. Heck, look at Kate Gosselin. We'll be all mixed up.
Cinoda says: You know your getting old when your kids say "the kids now a days are unbelievable. My oldest son (32), was griping about a Seattle school district that is getting sued for giving out peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to kids who owed overdue monies on their lunch card. I think the distrit was owed something like $140K or more. As he said "hell, if we forgot our lunch money we would eat dirt off the floor and be happy about it"
ReplyDeleteI think a lot of our problems come down to this "entitlement" a lot of people think they have. The "instant" gratification....buy now, pay later, the lack of respect, the lack of discipline.
The pregnancy problem would be so easily solved I would think....it's not that difficult anymore, not to become pregnant. Unfortunately it comes back down to the parents who want "abstinence", instead of birth control. I understand the entire argument of that also; By providing birth control, I am therefore encouraging sex." I think that history can speak for itself, kids are going to have sex regardless what their parents think or want. It has to come down to responsbility, which no one wants to take anymore. As Maris said, it's not taboo to be teenage, pregnant and unwed. I had two boys, no girls, but I told them both that whenever they decided that they were ready for sex, be sure to put a raincoat on it. When my youngest went to college I packed him a bag of supplies and tolietries including condoms. He told me that his roomates thought that I was a "cool" Mom, that their Mom's would never do that. Don't get me wrong, we always had a very open relationship and had serious talks about sex, the responsbilities involved, when a girl says "no" she means NO...so forth and so on.
BD hit the nail on the head with his post about the WalMart issue with the women managers. I fully agree equal pay for equal work, women's equality and such, but at what cost? I was divorced when my boys were 10 and 6 years old. Their father has always been and remains a great Dad. I worked in management and can't tell you how many school plays I missed. How I had to drop them at a sitter's before school and pick them up from one after school. You get my point. I also had to support us and did the best I could with what I had. My boys were also taught the real world very early. We had to "save up" for vacations, "save up" to buy playstations, rent the games because we couldn't afford to buy that many of them. They got a great work ethic from their Dad and Me. I think a lot of that is now lacking......kids were given so much because both parents have to work to keep the income coming in to support their wants and needs. I also said "wants" and needs. Maybe the "wants" are now a little excessive? The vehicles, the boats, ATV's, electronics? Satalitte TV, DSL, cell phones are now needs not wants.....myself included on some.....now I'm off on another tangent......
I don't know why it can't be simple....the best qualified for the job...period. It seems like we came a long way, and then went too far, and now we are at extremes with everything, being politically correct and all. Enough for now......
Cinoda, Thank you. I think you also hit the nail on the head when you used the word entitlement. I, don’t want a free hand out. I don’t think the government owes me anything because they misspelled my family’s last name 500 years ago at Ellis island. I and by I, I mean we, only want to be able to work. Work hard, learn the job, become better employees, be at work when I am supposed to, then be rewarded by having the opportunity to move up to the next level. Not be deprived of what I have earned and have someone who has not paid their dues to receive the advancement because of some racial or gender bias policy that says a company needs to keep a certain number of a particular race or gender in a position to keep from being taken to court.
ReplyDeleteI am really surprised that we don’t hear about more, and I’m sorry but, white men having discrimination suits against companies. Why do you think that is? Is it just that they are not advertised as much? Is it because men are more willing to move on with their lives? What do you think?
To respond the races converging in another 20 years. I agree somewhat. But they also said that in school 30 years ago. We are getting there. But even when that day does come people will just find another reason to single out people. People are already being discriminated against because of their body shape. What will be next?
ReplyDeleteCinoda says: In reference to "Is it because men are more willing to move on with their lives?" I don't think so. I think it's because #1 - The general population doesn't believe it. #2 - No attorney will take the lawsuit.
ReplyDeleteYou've been accused of being whiney or downgrading on women, just by saying what you believe and experienced. Can you imagine if YOU filed a lawsuit, if you couold get an attorney to file one without a huge retainer fee? Imagine the comments then: He doesn't want to work, wants to get rich quick, is lazy....on and on......And that would probably come from OTHER MEN and women. I'm going to do some research and see if I can find any discrimination suits filed by white men. I'd say it's a rarity, maybe age discrimination suits but probably not against race or women. I'll let you know what I find.
Cinoda: Here's a post for you BD,
ReplyDeleteI have had to turn the channel so often because I am sick of seeing white males as protrayed as big, stupid, luggish, bad fathers etc.
Our laws are prejudice against white men (fathers) too.
In 80% of all divorce cases in 2006 the child was awarded to the "mother".
Without asking the child, without examining the home situation of both parents, the child is by most courts considered the property of the "mother".
It's become fashionable on TV for young women to use the man to get the sperm and make her pregnant so she can have "the baby experience" minus the man (who is a blood relative to the baby/father).
I am so tired of white men being portrayed as stupid, insensitive and unintellegent.
Hollywood again is manipulating the masses into believing and accepting this view.
It not only that whites are shown as evil or stupid, but many commercials/shows/movies do their best to show blacks as the alpha males.
Some car ad showing off their new voice activated stereo shows the white guy embarrassed for listening to Kenny G and the black passenger sneering at him. Message: White guys aren't cool and are only worthy of black disdain.
Some other commercial I can't even remember what it was for shows a white guys geekily trying to hit on Carmen Electra and her dismissing him. When his black friend shows up she suddenly is interested asking for his name. Message: White guys are not worth dating, but make sure the black guy notices you.
Several movies I've seen ads for depict white kids trained in classical music or ballet tossing their culture aside when they mix with blacks or Latinos to take up rap, hip hop and break dancing. Message: White culture is boring and dull, embrace the exciting ghetto lifestyle.
A DS commercial has a hyper geeky white guy bothering a black guy that is looking at a DS. The black guy finally does the old fake "lunge" at the white guy to shut him up. Despite the threat of violence from the black guy, the white guy still wants to follow him home. Message: Any negative reaction a minority has towards white is justified by the whites behavior. Plus despite their violent nature, whites should still try to hang out with blacks.
Multiculturalism isn't about raising other races to white standards, it means lowering white culture to meet the lesser cultures.
[edit on 14-12-2008 by ofhumandescent]
Pretty much matches what you've been saying all along. Only 839,000 hits on googling "white male discrimination" Try it and see what you find. (if you haven't already)
Cinoda, I will do that. I understand totally what you are saying. The majority, not all but the majority, of that certain race, that are continuing refuse to conduct them selves in a proper manner are in fact causing the devolving of other cultures. You see both white and black people, I can’t just say kids eather, wearing their pants below their asses! Using fowl and perverse language in public places. When confronted with this behavior the excuse is, it’s part of my cultural heritage. Bull!
ReplyDeleteI have had to talk to many employees about trying to wear their pants below their asses! This originally came from prisons. Men that were willing to engage in anal sex would wear their pants in this manner to advertise! So, I don’t know why young people want to emulate these individuals. Although I wasn’t supposed to, I began to ask when interviewing if they were able to wear their cloths appropriately. In Longview Texas they actually passed a law. You can actually be ticketed now for wearing you pants in that manner. Way to go Longview!!
They have all of the opportunity in the world and piss it away. They have the NAACP, Negro College funds etc… These organizations are set up for black people by black people. So as a collective they are trying to help them selves. But so many of their own people don’t even have the ambition to want to improve. What person, black, white, Asian etc. would want to go to a doctor who enters the room and starts a conversation with “What it do?” or “Hows youd been doin?” Them actually naming the improper use of the English language as “Ebonics” is one of the largest injustices that could have been done. One of the first indicators that a person wants to be taken seriously is that they will attempt to speak intelligently. People who use this kind of language believe that its ok because it now has a name. I agree though, it does start at home. I have made it clear to my kids if they ever come home with their pants below their asses that was fine, but I am going to put a piece of leather right across where the underwear is showing! My kids aren’t perfect by any means! I am not one of those parents that thinks their kids do no wrong! But that is one thing I don’t think I will ever have to deal with.
Cinoda: BD, I didn't write that post, I found it when I googled "discrimination white men". I included the author of the post with it, as was requested if any body wanted to copy it.
ReplyDeleteI don't disagee with it either.
I guess what bothers me with this entire topic is the grouping of people. This is hard for me to find the correct words for. As you, I have very good black friends that I have discussed these issues with. The most commom answer that I have heard is "ignorance is not color blind".
As you posted Dr. Bill Cosby's speech, you know as well as I do that you cannot lump the black population together. Just as you can't lump any population together....There are human beings in every population, some good people, some bad people, some smart, some ignorant.
I think it also comes down to the Role Models of the world. Look what kids today look up to, look at the lyrics to some of the songs (I know I heard the same thing in my generation), But shewz, Lollipop, Gangster Rap, the Sports Players in the Negative Headlines. You very seldom hear about the many positive role models. The media always zeroes in on the "shock" value, that's what sells. It is up to the parents, to explain the difference in what is accectable, to teach the self respect, to show a child how to act, not just tell a child how to act. More later.....
OH MY GOD!!!! Reading all these verbose posts is like trying to catch up on newspapers after a really long vacation!
ReplyDeleteAre White Males Getting Shortchanged?
ReplyDeleteBy Marty Nemko
We are constantly urged to make greater efforts to improve the lot of women and African-Americans. Yet it seems fairer at this point in American history to make greater efforts to improve the lot of white males.
I can hear you laughing. After all, most CEOs and political leaders are white males. But when you leave that top 0.1%, things look different.
I have career counseled almost 2,000 people, and unless they're stars, my white male clients have a tougher time getting hired than do women and minorities.
We accept as gospel the widely-reported statistic that women earn 77 cents on the dollar. Fact is, according to research by Dr. Warren Farrell, when all variables are controlled for: for example, actual hours worked, experience, work hazards, commute distance, and performance evaluations, for the same work, women earn more than men.
Yet white males continue to see more and more efforts to help everyone except white males:
Employers often practice reverse discrimination, if only because they fear the EEOC will count noses. And when there's a downsizing, employers resist firing women and minorities, knowing that many of them would file a wrongful termination suit.
If minorities or women receive less pay or are so-called underrepresented in a particular profession, for example, in the boardroom, women's groups insist it's mainly because of sexism, that white males have essentially erected a glass ceiling through which they allow pitifully few women to seep. Privately, however, most of my female clients (I've worked with 1,400!), most of whom are well-educated and middle class, say they are unwilling to put in the long hours it takes to rise to the top. They want a moderate worklife with plenty of time for spouse, children, and/or avocations. Many more of my male clients are willing to work the long hours it takes to rise to the top.
The media gives millions of dollars of free exposure to the sexism argument, for example, unquestioningly promulgating the misleading "women earn 77 cents on the dollar" statistic yet gives virtually no exposure to opposing views.
And if men are underrepresented, for example, as they are in colleges--colleges are now 59% women, 41% men--you barely hear a peep about it in the media.
Professional baseball, football, and basketball are dominated by minorities. Ever hear the media decry the underrepresentation of white males?
Most seriously, men die six years younger than women, yet there's no call for more spending on men's health. Where are all those advocates who scream when women and minorities get the short end of the stick? They're still calling for more medical studies on women even though the days are long gone when most medical research was done on men. Every day, it seems there's another fundraiser for breast cancer" buy a Loew's movie ticket, a dollar goes to breast cancer. Buy a bra, a dollar goes to breast cancer. Buy a US postage stamp, money goes to breast cancer! When was the last time you heard of a fundraiser for heart attack, the main cause of early death among men? The Oakland A's, a team watched mainly by men, have a breast cancer day. They don't have a prostate cancer day or heart attack day. Meanwhile, there are more than four widows for every widower.
The rule seems to be: discriminate--as long as the ones being discriminated against are white males.
Defenders of discrimination against white males argue that it is needed to level the playing field, for example, to compensate for the legacy of slavery. But do two wrongs make a right? Should the oppressed become the oppressor? Activists said yes. We need reverse discrimination temporarily. Well, it’s already been 40 years after the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and activists demand reverse racism more fervently than ever.
The real question is why have African-Americans not achieved socioeconomic parity? If it is, as the activists claim, because of the legacy of slavery and lingering racism, then why is there not one country of the world’s 200—whether majority black or majority non-black, previously colonized or not—in which blacks have even an average standard of living, while other groups such as the Jews, who have been persecuted for thousands of years—from the Roman times through the Inquisition, through the pogroms, through the Holocaust, and with anti-Semitism remaining even today--on average, do well. Asians have suffered discrimination in the US, even placed in internment camps, yet, on average, do well. Arab- and Muslim-Americans have been and are subject to prejudice, yet have done better than have African Americans. I believe we must engage in a more thoughtful examination of the reasons why African-Americans continue to struggle before imposing the terrible pain of reverse discrimination on white males. In my office, many, many of my white male clients--competent, well-adjusted people--have cried (and occasionally yelled) in frustration at their inability to get a decent job while less qualified minorities and women leapfrog them.
To impose reverse discrimination on white males seems particularly unfair because, as a group, they’ve hardly been a scourge on society. Yes, males, of all races, make the wars. But they’ve also died in the wars protecting us. White males have also been largely responsible for some of humankind’s greatest achievements: from refrigeration to television, Amazon to Xerox, Plato to Beethoven to Spielberg. White male scientists brought about most of the medical advances that have extended our life expectancy from 50 in 1900 to 78 today. In addition to those exceptional people, most white males, like many other people, work hard to make our lives work: they build our houses, our cars, maintain our telephone poles, etc., etc., etc.
So, next time you hear a plea to support women and blacks, you might save just a little kindness for the not-so-terrible, no-longer so privileged white male.
I would like to write an article or book on white males who have experienced discrimination in the workplace or in trying to land a job. If you are a white male who has experienced such discrimination, I'd love to hear from you. If you need to be anonymous, I will promise to honor that anonymity. E-mail me at mnemko@earthlink.net or phone me at 510-655-2777.
The gentleman who wrote the above article said that when he approached his publisher, SHE was not interested in publishing such a book. Just another example of how the issue is being swept under the carpet!
ReplyDeletezomg it is like a herd of turtles to get thru that disaster. Fix that ASAP.
ReplyDeleteAs for my comment...on the white men have no say, and are oppressed...aren't they the leading group of men who donate to sperm centers and therefore are absolving themselves of parental obligation? Don't get me wrong... I hear what you are saying, but isn't that just a loop hole, poor Nadya.
p.s. do not be mean to me. I mean it, I will will the universe to give you an ingorwn toenail. See, I am mean.
Well Bun, I don't really know what to say about the sperm thing. I guess since there are no jobs for white men they are having to prostitute their sperm! But as for the Octodad, his name is Denis Beaudoin and he certainly not white. I know that Nadia’s parents are from the middle east. The Octodad may be also but he looks black. Here is a link to look at him.
FAR OUT!!! That story gets weirder ane weirder. I didn't know they were Iraqi. He looks mixed, but I saw another article where she claims he isn't the donor. The babies do not look mixed, although it is tough to tell now. Txs for the link. BTW, White men could get jobs, break out your banana hammock... we need a pool boy!! lol
okay, so my spouse, who never wants to be outed that he reads his bride's gossip blogging posts, wants me to say the foloowing:
ReplyDeleteWhite men, were once, protrayed as hard working, respectable, role models on TV ( highway to heaven and Beaver are his favorite shows...God help me)They were protrayed as business men, with service minded ethics, who came home to a wife who was respectful of his role in the home ( he is getting out the Bible now)with children who behave. Where have all the cowboys gone? Why are shows now portraying these men as womanizing unethical goof balls with no clue how to provide for their families...when in todays society,where anything goes, where are these men who PAVED THE WAY for everyone else to get a free ride. Forced to fein guilt for sins of their fathers ( several removed) and now FORCED to submit to a lifestyle of decomposing moral fibers rather than lead the masses, which was the role they were succeeding in. His question...and he is finally getting to it... is why can't a white man, with goals, character, conviction and fortitude prevail any more? Who decided that it is wrong for a father to want a good decent white christian man for his daughter, when she is a white christian woman? No judgements, just why is that now wrong? Why?
IN MY OPINION! And I’m sure that I will get blasted for it because its not “POLITICALLY CORRECT” and some people may be “OFFENDED” by it, heaven forbid!
ReplyDeleteIt all started with the Garden of Eden! Adam was seduced into eating the fruit of the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Then He and She suffered the consequences. Man continued to put woman on a pedestal. Worked for her and their family and provided food and shelter for those he loved. Then woman, still not being satisfied, took the fruits of his labors and used them against him. She wanted equal rights, she wanted to vote, she wanted to burn her bra! Woman had everything that a man could have wanted given to her and she decided to throw it all away.
During WWII women had to enter the work force because the men were off to war. They all agree that not to was non negotiable. However, when they came home, many of the women decided to continue to work. This lowered the overall pay rate for workers, until now it has evolved into a economic structure that both parent pretty much have to work to make a living. This is taking the parents away from the kids. So now the kids are raising themselves without proper supervision or training on how to grow up to be good christian men and women. So now we wonder, why is my teenage daughter pregnant? Why is my son a drug addict? Well, there is your answer!
When people sit by and accept these changes and say, “well, it just a sign of the times”, that’s our own fault. We have not stood up and screamed like everyone else has when they have been done an injustice! Black and Women are getting jobs because of their Race or Sex instead of their qualifications! Yet they all want EQUAL RIGHTS! They don’t want equal rights, they want a free hand out. They want something that they do no deserve and have not earned! If they truly wanted equal rights they would turn down the jobs that they have been given because of their race or gender. When the plight of the white male in America is brought to the publics attention, he is said to be RACIST, or a SEXIST. This is just an attempt to cover up what they all know is true. Then when the proof of this is in their face, their response is, “its just a sign of the times”.
It’s a sign of the times alright. It goes along with illegal aliens entering our country and being allowed to rape and kill our children! it’s a sign of the times when people are allowed to walk the streets with their pants hanging down below their asses! it’s a sign of the times when a black man is turned down for a job in California because he can not speak Spanish! Yea, it a sign of the times alright! Its time that White American Men get some balls and put a stop to all of this shit! Let all of the White American Men stop working all at one time and go apply for food stamps and welfare and see what will happen! Maybe then he will get some recognition!
It’s time that we STOP being so occupied with being “POLITICALLY CORRECT” or ‘HURTING SOMEONES FEELING”! If it is the Truth, it’s the truth. No matter how you present it, it is still going to be the truth! Maybe some peoples feeling need to be hurt in order to get them to wake up and see what is really going on!
I read this to said spouse, who stood up and...clapped. great.just.great.
ReplyDeleteBD....I'm serious...explain to me how the wages went down when women entered the workforce? I'm no economic major and am really curious. Also, use your own words that I can understand, not a clip of someone else
Cinoda: OK BD, between this post and the one on the other J & K site, There was a lot of issues being brought up. I had to absorb a lot of what was said and really think about how I wanted to respond. I was in a crabby mood yesterday so I wanted to make sure my judgement wasn't clouded.
ReplyDeleteI do agree with the fact that women working and raising kids at the same time has HELPED the world become the way it is. I've mentioned this before...do we crave the material things in life over the well being of our children? The argument goes on and on....
Where I take offense is in the underlaying notion that women have caused ALL of this turmoil. In my first marriage, I would have liked nothing more than to stay home and raise my kids, my husband at the time, wanted me "to pull my own weight". That was the general view in the 70's and 80's. If you stayed home and raised your kids you were "just a housewife". Talk about something to kick you in the gut. Even now, one of my step sons has a live in girlfriend and a baby, the entire family feels that this girl is lazy since she is NOT working outside of the home.
I will admit that once in the workforce, over time, I found a career...and that career took up a lot of my time. Again did I do it to support my kids.....yes....but at the same time found it rewarding to my own ego. Again, I think that it was due to the mentally at the time, that you were considered less than or lazy if you didn't work and help make the money.
Some women work need to work in order to just place a roof over their families head. What if the man is disabled? or unable to find a decent paying job? what if it takes 2 incomes to just put a roof over your head?
To hold the entire collapse of family values to women working outside of the home....I don't know if I can go that far...again I think it still somes down to the wants and needs of society today. What we need to survive now is so much different than yesteryear. Computers, cell phones, 2 New cars, huge houses, DSL....this is now all now a need not a want. How did it get this way? I don't know...
In response to the sperm clinic....LOL....again how far have we gone as a society. It used to be that if I man couldn't have children, that was it...adoption was the only choice....Yes, I said 'a man'....sperm clinics were opened up so that couples who couldn't covceive due to the fact of a man's sperm count could still have children. Then women went "wow" I don't need a man anymore, I'll just go buy some sperm and have the children I want. How far have we gone medically? It seems that for every great medical miracle that has been discovered there is also a downside. Embryo's in petri dishes? That was considered Sci Fi in the 30's, Now it's to the point where one can almost select the sex of the baby they want? Where does it end?
You brought up a lot of valid points, the illeagal aliens, having to speak Spanish to get a job in the USA...the idea of children having children, parents away at work while the kids raise themsleves...what is on TV now a days...the commercials for sex enhancement drugs on prime time TV when 5 year olds are watching....On and On....I don't know what the anwers are...
Not to be cynical, but my youngest son who has very black and white views has said more that once...a meteor needs to hit the earth and guess what, everybody will then be equal..it wouldn't matter if you were black or white, rich or poor, everybody would be equal...then maybe just maybe.....with whomever was left, the would repoduce and this "new" world would learn from it's past mistakes. His views not mine....
Hope I didn't ramble. Hope I made sense. There really was a lot to absorb in the past few posts..I don't think I offered anything new to the table...just some thoughts.
Just to touch on Cinoda's comment about sexual enhancement ads for the 5year old eyes and ears...I had my two littler ones at the breakfast table not so long ago and flicked on Good Morning America and there for every member of my family was a.......PREGNANT MAN.
ReplyDeleteI no longer watch that program, b/c I have the right to filter what incredible amounts of liberal anything goes sh*t sandwich I have to force my family to assimilate to. I nearly fell over. 7:30 am in the morning. PBS gets my neilsen rating these days. I don't care that he is pregnant, what ever you want to do in your own home is your business, but to subject my children to this is unacceptable, This should have been a nighttime program topic. Sorry, just saying my peace.
Everyone I’ve talked to about the TV thing all seem to agree. I’m embarrassed to even watch TV with my kids in the room. I swore I would never grow up to be like my parents, but damn it!!! The older I get the smarter my parents become! Im so tired of hearing about peoples erectile disfunctions and minstral cycles I could puke! And I hate for my kids to be hearing about it too. My son wants me to buy him some O.B. Tampons now! Because if you have OB tampons you get to go horseback riding, skydiving, surfing etc….
ReplyDeleteCinoda: The very first time I realized I had turned into my parents was back in the 80's and I subscribed to HBO. I turned the TV on one night at 10pm, and low and behold there was "Real Sex" on HBO. To this day I can remember what it was about...and it got me to think, about the boys that were 10 and 14 at the time. Holy cow, they could be watching this. I'm no prude and have been very open with my kids, but I couldn't believe what I was seeing on TV.
ReplyDeleteYou guys are so right. It's so embarrassing to be watching TV with all of these commercials for tampons, ED,and such. BD, I love it that your son wants OB tampons....Sorry but I had to laugh...but you are so right..how scary.
I have a 10 year old who has adopted me as his sencond mother. Last year her and I had to sit down and explain the facts of life to him at 9 years old. He was coming home from school with words, and of course, he had no idea what they meant. Some of these words I had no idea what they were until I was in my late teens, and again I was no angel..but dang...Again, you can do your best with your own, but if the rest of the world isn't on the same page, how do things change?
A friend of mine at work little boy asked her what it meant to masturbate? She sent him to his father who told him the first thing that popped into his head. He said it meant to write fancy. About a week later they got a call from his teacher. She was going to teach them to write in cursive and he said, Oh, you mean your going to show us how to masturbate! That is a true story!!
ReplyDeleteI’m the one who has explained sex to all of my children. I’ve always wanted for them to learn from their parents instead of at school by the other little kids like I did and get wrong information. Well my oldest son was about 10ish and he kept asking about sex. What is sex. Many times. So Me and My wife agreed that if he asked one more time I was going to tell him. Well after watching Buffy the Vampire slayer they said the word sex again on TV, and again he asked. So My wife took the other kids to the store and we had the talk. I told him by asking him questions. Do you know what a female has yada yada yada. So he could sorta figure it out own his own as well. But when I finished telling him he said, “you expect me to believe that”? The sucker didn’t believe me! I like to have never convinced him! Then he says “So, you and Mama do that? “ I said, well not any more but we used to! That is a true store too.
The OB tampon thing was just a joke though!
I really love this blog. I wish it didn't take me soooooooooooooo long to scroll down and read the lateset comments. I laugh outloud sometimes, cause I feel like it is real people talking, not some fake PC bull sh*t. Loves it.
ReplyDeleteBun ( and Hubby)
So, convo today in my home:
ReplyDeleteRepublican #1: You know, the economy is weeding out the "have nots" at my company. The higher ups have packed extra responsibilities with no incentives and it means if you want to stay employed, well, you have to take it.
Rebublican #2: It used to be that a black man would take my job, and if he was more qualified, more power to him, but that wasn't always the case. Now, my job will be outsourced to India, and if I can't function on a particular dollar amount to raise my family, we will be subsidized by the govt. There won't be a race war, we will bypass that little ugliness and move into full socioeconomic war, People will be forced to drive less desirable cars not to draw attention to themselves, dressing down, it's a caste system being implemented right here in America. Meanwhile, Mrs. Obama is getting love taps from the Queen of England, herself. My friend may lose his home, b/c his "cushy middle class" income is below par to meet the exceeding costs of funding bank bailouts, auto bailouts, unemployment bailouts, Iraq, you name it, so he, his wife and two kids have to put their HOME on the market at a "reduced for quick sale" price and move to a less desirable part of the city, with standards which do not meet the "no child left behind" criteria, because his company said you can take it or leave it, we are moving the offices to CheapRent Town, USA. All for the love of money. The LOVE of money is the root of all evil, and the Good Book says that a greedy man has the same chance of getting into the Pearly Gates as a camel has walking through the eye of a needle. I don't think I have to worry if a black/minority will take my friend's job, I think my friend's job will be sold to the highest bidder. Poker 101.
Black and white Americans differ dramatically in marriage patterns and welfare dependence. In 1999, 68.8 percent of black American children were born out of wedlock. By contrast, the out-of-wedlock birth rate for white Americans was 26.7 percent.3 Similarly, black children were five times more likely to be dependent on welfare from the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program4 than white children. Since single parenthood and welfare dependence are the primary factors producing child poverty in the United States, any meaningful strategy to reduce the disparities in black and white child poverty must focus on increasing marriage and reducing welfare dependence among blacks.
ReplyDeleteBlack children on average spent 49.4 percent of their lives in single-parent families, compared with 12.8 percent for white children. While black children on average spent 27.7 percent of their lives receiving AFDC, the figure was 5.4 percent for white children. Black mothers in the NLSY had math and verbal skill levels at the 19.7 percentile. By contrast, the average white mother had skill levels at the 52.5 percentile.
Moreover, more generous monthly welfare benefits are linked to larger caseloads and greater periods of time spent on welfare. Dr. June O'Neill, former director of the Congressional Budget Office, has found that a 50 percent increase in monthly AFDC and Food Stamp benefit levels leads to a 75 percent increase both in the number of women enrolled in AFDC and in the number of years spent on AFDC. Thus, conventional welfare programs, by pulling mothers out of the labor force, reduce earned income and dramatically increase child poverty.10
Among the poorest of the poor--single mothers, living below the poverty line with minor children to support 39.7 percent of AFDC clients are Black single mothers and 38.1 percent are White women with children. Food stamp recipients are 37.2 percent Black and 46.2 percent White. Medicaid benefits are paid to 27.5 percent Black recipients compared to 48.5 percent White clients.
Although the numbers show that Whites get the biggest chunk of public aid dollars, welfare critics still charge that Blacks shouldn't collect 33 percent of welfare benefits when they only make up 12 percent of the general population. They say the imbalance proves their case that Blacks are too busy complaining and blaming racism for their plight to look for a job.
Children, not women, are the largest group of people receiving public assistance. Less than 5 million of the 14 million public assistance recipients are adults, and 90 percent of those adults are women (U.S. Bureau of Census, 1995). The majority of the recipients are White (38 percent), followed by 37 percent African Americans, and 25 percent other minority groups (Latinos, Native Americans, and Asian Americans) (McLaughlin, 1997). However, African Americans are disproportionately represented on public assistance because they are only 12 percent of the population (O'Hare, Pollard, Mann, & Kent, 1991).
Here is the bottom line. Black are having a field day because there are more whites than blacks on welfare. 39% of funding goes to whites which is supposed to be 75% of the population. Where as 38%, just one percent less goes to blacks which make up 12% of the population. They say Oohh they be mo white foks on welfare dan us! Yes, that may be true. But When you make up 75% of the population what the hell! My question is how the hell can only 12% of the population suck up 38% of the total funds. I read on another site about assistance to farmers. Something like 28000 black farmers signed up for financial help. But records show there were only 1800 black farmers to begin with. WTF? And whenever you point this out or say something about it. You r being racist!
Wal-Mart is one of the things bringing down this country. Here are some You Tube clips that everyone needs to watch!
ReplyDeleteThis on is a former Store Manager. It is very informative.
This one explains some of what WalMart is doing to our economy. Almost 50% of associates children are being born on welfare. Watch this.
Check out this one. A brain damanged employee sued for money.
The Evil Empire?
For those of you that haven’t heard, Big Daddy has a new favorite site, “Angry White Dude”. Here is a sample of his writing…. This guy is awsome....
posted by ANGRY WHITE DUDE 8:57 PM Saturday, May 2, 2009
Jay Severin, a fiery talk show host on Boston’s WTKK-FM radio station, was suspended yesterday after calling Mexican immigrants criminaliens,” “primitives,” “leeches,” and exporters of “women with mustaches and VD,” and other disparaging names. He was promptly suspended indefinitely by his employer. This is not a pure matter of free speech because he cannot say whatever he wants while at work and be compensated for it. Neither can you. Nor I. However, we have seen commentators on the left-wing mainstream media attack conservatives with all types of insulting vitriol with no negative consequences. A quick look at last night’s post about Keith Olbermann calling Miss California names comes to mind. Watch the video. Or Jeneane Garofalo calling tea party patriots “a bunch of tea-bagging racist rednecks.” I understand she is still employed by Fox. Keith Olbermann has received no reprimands although he cannot open his vulgar mouth without insulting a conservative American.
Censorship exists. Even AWD censors to a certain extent. I do not allow the F or N words. My page, my rules. But how can a conservative talk radio station terminate a talk show host for expressing his thoughts while nothing ever happens to an offensive left-winger? Conservatives have allowed ourselves to be painted into a corner playing by the politically correct rules the left has set for us. The left, by the way, does not have to follow the same rules. Black entertainer Jamie Foxx was not disciplined when he called Miley Cyrus a “white bitch.” Look what happened to Miss California because she said something as radical as she believes marriage should be between man and woman! I cannot think of the last liberal who lost their job for saying something that would be considered politically incorrect had it come from the mouth of a conservative.
As a patriotic American, I can understand his Severin’s frustration with the negative impact of illegal immigration on this country. Most Americans feel the same. As a radio talk show host, his show is meant to cover controversial topics in an aggressive manner. What I want to know is if one changes the word Mexican for Christian or White and a leftist were to say the same thing….would they have come under fire? I believe the answer to that is NO!
What do we do as conservatives? Do we go for the no holds barred tactics of the liberals and let the chips fall where they may? Or do we continue to let the left dictate the terms of what we may or may not say? It is close to the same argument of do we fight a civilized war against uncivilized terrorists who will do anything to kill us? For example, they cut off our heads and put it on Youtube…we prosecute the previous President for approving the water boarding the man who planned 9/11. It is a very confusing world with many contradictions. Our side is not winning!